SleepyHead Solutions: St. Louis Lifeline for Sleep-Deprived Parents

No one enters into parenthood expecting to get lots of sleep. However, no matter what your expectations are, nothing can prepare you for the actual experience of being sleep-deprived for months on end. If your whole family is struggling to get some shut-eye, it might just be time to call in an expert. As a St. Louis family photographer, I spend a lot of time chatting with parents who have found services that work for them. If you need some help, let me tell you why you need to check out SleepyHead Solutions!

About SleepyHead Solutions

Before she was a childhood sleep expert at SleepyHead Solutions, Renee Wasserman was a tired mom, just like you. No matter how much she tried, Renee simply could not get her oldest daughter to sleep through the night. After reading lots of books and going through some trial and error, she was finally able to train her daughter. She was able to use these same skills on her next two daughters so all could build healthy sleep habits. She now works with parents all over to help them get their children to sleep.

A happy new mom snuggles with her sleeping enwborn baby on a white bed


SleepyHead Solutions uses ethical, research-based programs to help you get your child to sleep. While many sleep consultants copy and paste their sleeping plans for all their clients, Renee is actually going to take the time to get to know your family. She understands that each client is unique, and she will tailor her services to your needs. Plus, she is going to give you the sympathy that you desperately need right now. Remember, she has been there herself, and she knows exactly what you are going through! She has various packages that offer virtual help. You can chat with her via Facetime or Skype and ask her any questions. By the end, she is going to leave you with a sleep plan that will actually work. You are able to book packages that will give you continuous support for the next two weeks. 

A newborn baby sleeps against dad's chest in a window thanks to Sleepyhead Solutions


In addition to SleepyHead Solutions, Renee is a childhood behavioral specialist. She knows all about what it is like to deal with those toddler tantrums, and she is here to teach you how to survive this stage. You can ask her for strategies and tools so you can handle these situations with the patience and grace you desperately need. By the end, you are going to be able to help your child navigate those big emotions and communicate their needs so you both can have a better relationship. 

Take Back Your Sleep And Give Your Little One The Care They Need With SleepyHead Solutions

If you are dealing with a sleepless babe, it’s time to find some help! With Sleepyhead Solutions, you can have guidance so you can finally get the rest you need. 

Are you looking for more recommendations? Then let’s chat! I am a St. Louis family photographer, and I adore getting to support parents, whether I am telling them about the best local places or helping them plan portrait sessions so they can hang onto these moments forever. If you have been considering booking pictures for your crew, I would love it if you sent me a message. Let’s have a conversation soon so you can decide if I am the photographer for you!


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A rating of 5 is not high enough for Kelly!! Kelly is an amazing photographer, was absolutely wonderful to work with, and was quick to reply to emails. Shes an upbeat and positive person, which made out photo sessions comfortable and fun!! Kelly is professional in more ways than one and I highly recommend her to anyone in the St. Louis area wanting some maternity and/or family photos taken!

Angela, Family session

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