The studio will be deep cleaned & sanitized between all sessions. All surfaces including floors and door handles are cleaned and sanitized prior to clients entering the studio for sessions and ordering appointments. All swaddles, blankets, client wardrobe, and props are washed/steamed/sanitized following each session. A UV sterilizer is used to sanitize items that cannot be washed or cleaned with chemicals (bonnets, headbands, etc).
Until further notice, sessions and ordering appointments will be scheduled to allow 24 or more hours in-between clients to allow time for proper cleaning and sanitizing.
Little hands often touch the studio floors. In an attempt to keep them extra safe, shoes will not be permitted in the shooting areas of the studio. All clients are asked to leave their shoes at the door.
Unless absolutely necessary, I will make every attempt to keep a safe distance from clients (except when posing newborns). In an attempt to minimize exposure, only those who will be photographed are permitted in the studio.
If I am sick, I will not photograph your session. If you, your child, or a member of your household are COVID positive, have been exposed to a COVID in the 14 days prior to your session, have had a fever in the 24 hours prior to your session, or are experiencing any COVID symptoms leading up to your session, you will be required to notify me and reschedule.
While with clients, I will wear a mask at all times.
As always, I thoroughly wash my hands prior to your session and sanitize with hand sanitizer multiple times throughout your session.
*icons courtesy of